Distilled/Colloidal Extract, 5:1 weight/volume

Ingredients: Colloidal Gold, Frankincense resin, Myrrh resin, mineral salts, natural spirits.
Source: Wild Crafted resins and 24 karat Gold

Planetary Rulership: Venus
Taste/smell: Balsamic, Resinous, Bitter, Sweet
Energetics: Warming, Moistening

Rose Quartz is ruled by Venus, the planet of harmony, love, femininity, beauty, sensuality, pleasure, desire, luxury and fertility. In Ayurveda this gemstone is employed to balance the Vata dosha, protecting the mind and heart from turmoil, love sickness and other stresses.

Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Always consult with a health professional Before using, especially if you have a health condition or if you are taking medications.

OIL OF ROSE QUARTZ  5ml                                                                  100.00 CAD

More information on our Oil of Rose Quartz

Via Sicca/Humida (Glass/Solvent Extracted)

Ingredients: Catalyzed oil of Rose Quartz, mineral salts, Grape alcohol.

Source: Raw/unprocessed Rose Quartz

Planetary Rulership: Venus
Taste/smell: Balsamic, Resinous, Bitter, Sweet
Energetics: Warming, Moistening

Our oil of Rose Quartz was crafted using both “dry” and “wet” ways of working. Raw Rose Quartz is powdered and fused into a glass using the potassium-based salts
extracted from plant ashes. This glass is used to catalyze an organic oil with a specialized menstruum.

Metallic, mineral and gemstone oils take many months (sometimes years!) to produce, purify and
mature properly. Although they sometimes include harmless colloids of metals such as Gold or Silver, these complex oils are truly organic and are chemically similar to the essential oils found in plants. They represent a traditional Alchemical method of transferring the virtues, energetics and intelligence of the inorganic metallic and mineral realm into the organic.

All of our metallic, mineral and gemstone oils are 3rd party lab tested for the presence of potentially harmful metals and salts.

You can rest assured that we are hyper-vigilant in delivering only the highest quality preparations, without cutting any corners.

We do not make any health claims on our products. If you’d like further information on using our products or custom formulation and recommendations, please contact our registered herbalist.

Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Always consult with a health professional
Before using, especially if you have a health condition or if you are taking medications.

Metallic, mineral and gemstone oils take many months (sometimes years!) to produce, purify and mature properly. Although they sometimes include harmless colloids of metals such as Gold or Silver, these complex oils are truly organic and are chemically similar to the essential oils found in plants. They represent a traditional Alchemical method of transferring the virtues, energetics and intelligence of the inorganic metallic and mineral realm into the organic.

All of our metallic, mineral and gemstone oils are 3 rd party lab tested for the presence of potentially
harmful metals and salts.

Not only are we meticulously detailed in following the best of traditional and modern methodology, but also in quality control. All ingredients are lab tested for heavy metals, microbials and pesticides. Local ingredients are hand harvested and processed by ourselves and our partners. In our lab work we use only stainless steel and glassware. All equipment and tools are cleaned and sterilized with food grade alcohol, vinegar, heat and ultrasonic cleaning.

You can rest assured that we are hyper-vigilant in delivering only the highest quality preparations, without cutting any corners.

We do not make any health claims on our products. If you’d like further information on using our products or custom formulation and recommendations, please contact our registered herbalist.

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Secret Fire Apothecary specializes in Spagyric preparations of the highest quality, organic or sustainably and ethically wild harvested botanicals and fungi. Combining the best of traditional and modern wisdom, our limited batch products are artfully crafted in a painstaking manner.