Secret Fire Homepage Draft

secret fire apothecary home page

Spagyric Tinctures, Elixirs, Essences. Artisinal and Artistic Apothecary. About Secret Fire Apothecary Tempered and crystallized, Secret Fire Apothecary is a repository of the artisanal, clinical and educational works of herbalist Daniel Wiseman. Tethered by an alchemical and insatiably inquisitive anchor, this initiative seeks to unite not only Spagyria with a clinical practice of natural medicine, […]

Secret Fire Homepage

secret fire apothecary home page

Artissnal & clinical Apothecary. Spagyric Tinctures, Elixirs, and Essenses by herbalist Daniel Wiseman DISCOVER or About Secret Fire Apothecary Tempered and crystallized, Secret Fire Apothecary is a repository of the artisanal, clinical and educational works of herbalist Daniel Wiseman. Tethered by an alchemical and insatiably inquisitive anchor, this initiative seeks to unite not only Spagyria […]


Cannabis Extract Spagyric Tincture

THE TRIA PRIMA OF SPAGYRICS The title Spagyric is derived from the ancient Greek words spao (to draw out) and agerio (to gather). This term highlights the basic technique underlying the many forms of Spagyric medicines:  Separate, purify and recombine.  It’s central blueprint, the Tria Prima, states that all things are composed of three parts: […]